Do dogs miss you at dog daycare?

A dog looking happy and playful at dog daycare, used to illustrate an article about whether dogs miss their owners at dog daycare.


Dog daycare is a great place for dogs to play and socialize. But do dogs miss their owners when they are there? Many pet parents wonder about this. Understanding how dogs feel can help us know if they miss us.

Understanding Dogs' Feelings

Dogs have feelings just like humans. They can feel happy, sad, and even anxious. When dogs are at daycare, they might miss their owners. This is because dogs form strong bonds with their pet parents.

Signs of Missing Their Owners

Dogs show they miss their owners in different ways. Some dogs might whine or look sad. Others might not eat as much. These behaviors can tell us that dogs miss their owners.

This Usually Happens

This usually happens when the owner is leaving, but it quickly changes to excitement once they are with their friends.

The Role of Pet Parents

Pet parents play an important role in how dogs feel. Dogs look to their owners for comfort and love. When pet parents are not around, dogs might feel a bit lost. This is why some dogs have separation anxiety.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is when dogs feel overly anxious when their owners are not around. Owners can help by making sure their dogs are comfortable at daycare.

Although it may seem that they need your encouragement with pets and hugs when you drop your dog off, the best thing to do is not make a fuss and drop them off quickly. This provides them with the chance to learn to adapt to daycare on their own.

Dogs as Social Animals

Dogs are social animals. They like to be around other dogs and people. At daycare, dogs can play with other dogs and meet new people.

This helps them feel less lonely. But they may still miss their owners.

Interpreting Body Language and Behavior

Dogs use body language to show how they feel. If a dog is wagging its tail, it might be happy. If it is lying down with its head on its paws, it might be sad. Pet parents can learn to read these signs to know if their dogs miss them.


Some dogs do miss their owners at daycare. They form strong bonds and feel a bit sad when their pet parents are not around. But dogs are also social animals and can have fun at daycare.

Pet parents can help by making sure their dogs are comfortable and happy. Understanding dogs' feelings and body language can help pet parents know if their dogs miss them.

Written by Patrick St-Louis for Kennel Club Boarding.