Kennel Requirements

Kennel Requirements

For the safety of our guests, all dogs must be immunized before arriving at Kennel Club Boarding.

Please ensure that your Dog is vaccinated against the following diseases prior to dropping off your Dog to ensure that his / her stay is a healthy one:

  • Distemper, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza - These are given in one vaccination usually called DAPP, DHPP, OR DA2P
  • Rabies
  • Bordetella, may be listed as Kennel Cough (must be given at least 2 weeks prior)

The following medications / vaccinations are highly recommended.

  • Leptospirosis vaccination
  • Flea and tick medication
  • Heartworm medication

Proof of vaccination:

Vaccination records must show the following

  • Clinic name
  • Owners name
  • Dogs name
  • Vaccination(s) given (must include Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella)
  • Date(s) given
  • Due date(s)
Booklet type vaccination records are not acceptable as proof of vaccination.

Kennel Etiquette: 

  • Machine washable bedding/blankets are welcome
  • Toys may be left with your dog
  • All dogs must be on a leash during drop off and pick up
  • To avoid upset stomachs, bring your own food, including enough for your dogs stay plus at least one extra day.